After sales message

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After Service

01 Quality assurance and commitment

During the warranty period, in case of quality problems, Shanghai Orient Compressor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. guarantees to give a written reply within 24 hours after receiving the written notice from the user, and in case of major problems, the personnel will arrive at the site of domestic devices within 48 hours.

During the warranty period, Shanghai Orient Compressor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is responsible for free repair and replacement of product quality problems caused by manufacturing. The cost shall be borne by Shanghai Orient Compressor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

02 After sales service and response

During the installation, partial load test run and assessment run of the compressor, Shanghai Orient Compressor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will send personnel to provide technical guidance in time according to the user's requirements until the unit operates normally. At the same time, the on-site operators will receive free technical guidance and training on the daily use and maintenance of the compressor.

During the warranty period, the after-sales service strictly implements the response policy promised by the company in "24/48 hours".

03 Lifelong technical support system

Whether within or outside the warranty period, Shanghai Orient Compressor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. provides users with lifelong technology technical support. For each user, Shanghai Orient Compressor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. implements project archive management.

ADDRESS:No. 318, Fulian Second Road, Gucun Industrial Park, Baoshan District, Shanghai


Copyright ©2020-2025 Shanghai Orient Compressor Manufacturing Co., Ltd copyright
HUICPB No. 2021019726-1
customer service